
Never Give Up

Today I felt like quitting…yep I just said that out loud.  I may seem to have it all together but I don’t…sometimes I do…ha!  Ever have a day when you feel like quitting? But I cannot quit…it is just not who I am…I keep going..always keep going never wanting to

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Mama You Are Amazing

This was too good not to share with you all.  I know I have been in a few of these situations.  You are Enough. XOXO Kelly “To the mom hiding in her bathroom, needing peace for just one minute, as the tears roll down her cheeks.. To the mom who

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Believe It….Declare It….Live It

I am so thankful every day that my mentor Crystal Sparks is part of my life….so thankful I decided to take a leap of faith and join Rodan and Fields because that is how Crystal came into my world. Since March I have been part of her online mentor ship group, In The Lead,

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